These are a couple of my flowers in bloom now. I have been trying to weed out the winter weeds to bring my gardens back to shape. My window of opportunity to do this is closing fast. The rain is impeding my progress. And pain. I have an appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday to see about having a hip replacement. These are another two rugs I have been crocheting to go to charities. I am working on a round one and have been building different patterned squares to fit together when I have enough made. I have to go to replenish my stock of wool before I have to go to hospital. I will be unable to drive for a few weeks. Nails. Not needles. Craft work. Today. Has changed since I was a child. More ways to do the same work. To work with a few stitches in another manner. ...
Life takes many turns. Good. And bad. But if you are strong you'll survive.