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Long hard road

Phew. I've just been doing some work I'm not suppose to be doing. I went out to mow half of the back lawn. I shut off the engine when the hip began to complain. And I had to stop to take a few breaths. I will be pleased when all the not working properly parts have been fixed. Well. The exercise took some of the chill from the body. I was shivering when I was sitting at the computer before hand. This photo is of oranges falling on the ground at an orange orchard we visited last Thursday. I bought a box of lovely, sweet, juicy oranges. I have been editing and formatting novels I have sitting on the computer. I tried to do self publishing but I'm not a friend of that type of publishing. I would prefer to have a real publisher. Or an agent to handle all the work to get out into the system. I have enough to keep a publisher busy for a long time. One of the ones I worked on "The Long Hard Road" is a sort of life story. It is not written as a day to day, what h...
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Where is spring? The weather feels more like winter. The sun is hiding and a chill is in the air. I'm thinking of going back to bed. The moment I begin to walk up the steps to reach my bed, the phone will ring. Or someone will come knocking on the door. Maybe I'll curl up on the lounge and read a book with a blanket over me. I don't want to find the heater and unpack it from the box. I just put it away. I had visitors yesterday. I hadn't seen them since 1991. Now my life has settles I will be able to go visit some family I have seen for years. Taking care of parents, family and friends, took up so much of my time. Followed by a lot of health problems. I have more time to do what I want for a change, since I have improved. I don't have severe pain like I had. Time for me to adventure out and see some of the country. The tree with the empty beer bottles were in the lounge room, where we had lunch on one of the bus trips. This was a day outing with friends. I ...


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I have finished the blue Poncho for the lady who ordered one to be made is different shades of blue. I don't want to do another for awhile. This pattern I had to concentrate to keep the right amount of stitches on each peak. I was still counting them in my sleep. Now. I can go back to making boring squares with the left over bits of wool. I am doing some today to have a spell from work. Once the plumber has been to do his job, I will have to get back to finish my cleaning. And weeding of the garden. The Magpies have brought their young home to be fed. They are so entertaining. Can be noisy at times when begging to be fed. The young squabble like any family for attention. Fight to get their own way. Yesterday. One of the young wanted to be fed first. The father went to put food in its mouth. The other one ran at it to push it over the side of the steps. Both fell to the grass fighting. The father left holding the meat. He look at me like he was disgusted with their be...

Days grow longer

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Spring flowers

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Time to slow down

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